Sunday, July 31, 2011

Unity before Diversity Gerald Butts

Facebook friend. This is good. Copied in it's entirety.

The following is a copy of the letter I sent to another member of my local Tea Party group in response to the question, "Can Muslims Be Good Americans?"   My Friend,   The following credo applies not only to Muslims, but to all minorities in this country. I have been ridiculed and laughed at all of my life for my beliefs. The Tea Party is a Godsend for me at the age of 53. I will try to state my life long beliefs as clearly as possible.   This country was founded by WASP's. White Anglo-Saxon Protestants. They are NOT superior to anyone. They just happen to be the founders of our society. They gave us a common culture; language, rule of law, faith in God. English, the Constitution and the Bible. This is the cornerstone of our society.   No matter how you arrived in this country you MUST adhere to its culture if you wish to be part of it. You are free to leave. Slavery was wrong. It is over. Forget about it. If you are still upset. Just leave.   The founding fathers lived under the tyranny of the British Empire and I believe they TRULY comprehended the evils of slavery and genocide. I TRULY believe they wanted to build a new nation where "all men are created equal".   The final conclusion is that every individual citizen must swear sole allegiance to the United State of America. This excludes people who have loyalties to any other culture. America is its own culture. When you come here and swear allegiance to it you leave behind any ethnicity you had. You are no longer British. You are no longer African. You are American. FIRST and ONLY.   If muslims, blacks, hispanics or any other group refuses to give up their previous ethnicity, they cannot be Americans. If they continue to live in our society as separate cultures then they are traitors guilty of treason and subject to any punishment the rightful citizens of the United States impose upon them. The time has come for Americans to declare their distinct ethnicity on the pages of history. So help me God.   your friend, Gerri    

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