Why that words become first item inthis article?cause indonesian country present daybecome house of corruotion or mafias country places of corruptor live with free for suck our nation money.as we know
that almost all instantion government have bad character for corrupt and will be indicated involve that c
corruption proccess.corrupt always become trendsetter life for almost government member in this country.there are wods say"if you not get corrupt you not indonesian people".so tragic off course.may be that words is very very perfects word for our leader in indonesian government today.why?how make our country become modern country and can help all citizens have good economic system if our money become money
politic,who just use by half of person in our indonesian government."would you all dont realise that is our money too as people of indonesia?you just haved pay by us you just voice vice our inspiration!but what the reality?you all just use our beliefe to all of u.and you just always suck our life with your corruption proccess
actually all corruption maker must be punished with killing them one by one with out care with their human right.what will be this country become if there are lot of corruption case not be find ing with our law.may be this country will be safe forever from corrupt if the corruptor was die.so many case of corrupt this country
i can say that almost person who have leader in our government is corrupt.all government just care with their live their family.don't care anymore with their promises before.why you all so selfish?don't care anymore with you citizen don't care any more with our future.lot of people of indonnesia was poor and die because they can't eat.but you just smile and laught not try to give some solution.you just make promisess but nothing become real.all of you is lier.indonesia will be brokr..! this country will have already finish!
our government leader,..........,you must remember that this nation just herritage from our heroes who have struggle to make all imperial country go away from this country areas.you just to be continued this country development proccess......don't be selfish,be honeys and try toloyal your promissess before.this corrupt can't be detected if there are lot of player hide inside that corrupt.....cause why?each other have get one unity and covering each other from KPK proccess.one purposes for corrupt.if there are one person have indicated involve in corrupotion action they will shut up their mouth and recover the suspect because their friend,family or buisness colega maybe.there are many case didn't clear yet for example century bank case,nazaruddin case,edy tamsil case and many others who have escape to singapore country.may be our government just let them escape so that corruption proccess who involved one of government person not to found any more..........just maybe!our government whwn you wiill honeysty to all of citizen o f indonesia..........you re moral is sick.ALL CORRUPTOR MUST BE DIE.
tenk u for read this fuckin article
semarang,19 september2011
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