As human being who have created by god of ALLAH,we must beliefe that day will happend to us cause in our
holly book was have been writed,no matter what tey religion,no matter that moslem,christian,jude,hindu,budha
or many another religion inthis world.we must beliefe 100% that moment will exist happend but when?that is our
question.we don't know that only GOD knoes.but in this case we are ALLAH CREATURE WHO ALWAYS LEARN SAINS OR TECHNOLOGY,of course its reasonable that must be happend.why?this world will already become finish history because us....yeah us ,as people who have been stayed in this planet.

slowly but sure that will become true.soon all industry proccess will created lot of pollution make our ozone was broke up and there are many building which all instalation made it from glassess which make our planet
become hot and that will make our ice will flow and make flood to all world area.therefore there are lot of mountain who have destruct cause use for all people comsumption.if our mountain was gone so make our planet movement become not stabil anymore.cause as we know that all mountains in this worlds become stability sistem for our planet if that can be happend that is can fluent planet rotation.maybe not equale too.if that rotation proccsess not stabil that will be created disastercause our planet will have crush with another planet.and that willbe make our planet gone.can you imagine that?

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