Sunday, July 3, 2011

The Politics of Socialism, Why it Never Works, and Lessons for the U.S. [Reader Post]

This one is from Flopping Aces and a reader post by Warren Beatty.
An example to get you interested.

........Obama is pursuing a “stealth socialism” policy by advocating economic justice. “Economic justice” (social justice) simply means punishing the successful and redistributing their wealth by government fiat. It’s a euphemism for socialism. The closest we can get to a specific definition came when Obama said of the Warren Supreme Court (you know, the one that gave us the concept of criminal rights) in a 2001 radio interview, that the Warren Court hadn’t“ventured into the issues of redistribution of wealth and sort of more basic issues of political and economic justice in this society.”

I read it and what is in it gives me cause for concern. It should do the same for you.

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